As a child living in the chaos of a crumbling marriage, I craved quiet, peace, stability. Writing stories saved me from getting lost in the anger and confusion of a broken family.
I created my own family—26 kids, all with first and middle names, all full of fun and adventure! I spent hours creating and living in a fantasy world of my own. And as I look back, I see God present in the life of a timid middle child who needed what only He had to offer—unconditional love, unwavering presence, and peace.
An amazing God at work in ordinary life.
I really don’t remember a time when I didn’t believe. My mother took us to church every Sunday, where she sang in the choir. She was one of the “church basement ladies” for weddings, funerals, etc. I loved playing in the church while she worked, and knew every nook and cranny. Youth group was fun (confirmation, not so much). The church building was my second home.
This has held true into my adult life. I love worshipping with others, learning beside others in Bible studies, serving the congregation however I can.
All of it stems from my love for the God who led me through a sometimes tumultuous childhood, providing everything we needed; who kept us four kids on solid paths leading into adulthood; who carried me through teenage angst, the frustrations of work, the joys and issues of raising children.
I’ve seen miracles, experienced valleys and mountain peaks in my faith journey, and wondered where God was in the darkest times–yet my faith remains. It might be tiny or blossoming, but there’s no option to try to live without it. I KNOW who He is and I’m humbled that I can serve Him. It’s my greatest joy.

Stacy Monson is the award-winning author of The Chain of Lakes series, including Shattered Image, Dance of Grace, and The Color of Truth. Her stories reveal an extraordinary God at work in ordinary life. Residing in the Twin Cities, she is the wife of a juggling, unicycling physical education teacher, and a proud mom, and doting grandma.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14